Godzilla vs Destoroyah Links

Since this page covers Godzilla vs Destoroyah, here are some sites that have significant sections on the movie
and/or the monsters involved. Direct links to the GvD-related sections are provided.

Godzilla at the Freakshow

I have everything else on this page, but what about GvD video clips? Well, this page saves me the trouble. Real Video clips of the trailer, attack on Hong Kong, battle with Destoroyah, and final meltdown. His page also includes tons of multimedia on other movies and a super-deformed kaiju gallery.

Godzilla vs Destoroyah downloads

Monster Zero

Now Club Tokyo has Monster Zero's new home. Get the latest news and rumors, especially with upcoming Godzilla movies. Of particular interest are reviews, pictures, multimedia... pretty much the site for all things kaiju. Make sure to check out the message board for "hubziller" as well. Also added to that site are David Milner's interviews, which gave me tons of info on GvD.

Kaiju Interviews

Rodan's Roost

A terrific effort with a stunning layout, one of the most comprehensive G sites I've seen. It's all here: collectibles, magazines, scrapped movies, monsters, movies, comics, games, etc. It's almost like my GvD site (if I do say so myself), but covering all the movies. I urge you to check out "Kaiju on TV" to find out what's showing soon. And go to the "Pit of Filth" for some laughs.

Kaiju Stats: Destoroyah

Godzilla's Corner

I do too much Destoroyah and not enough Godzilla, huh? Well here's a page where someone's favorite is Burning Godzilla. Michele made a great graphics-intensive page with lots of GvD-related insights. Her huge collection makes me envious (hey, I've only been at this since summer '98) <S>.

SpaceGodzilla's Crystal Palace

Creative movie-exclusive site about SpaceGodzilla with pictures and original artwork, especially her Kaiju Kids comic. Plenty of great pictures, insights, and even a budgie who can speak Godzilla-ese! I enjoy how the site is told from SpaceGodzilla's point of view. Rossana "Destroyah" also submitted art for my Art Institute. A huge Destoroyah fan, she has a wonderful section devoted to that kaiju (including things I missed) as well as some excellent Destoroyah drawings.

My friend: Destoroyah

Rc2000's Godzilla Site

There are some impressive and original pictures here, not only of GvD, but of all the Godzilla movies. And, best of all, he drew them himself, both pencil sketches and incredible full-color pics. This is one site not to miss, especially if you want instructions on how to build your own Godzilla!

JP's Godzilla Room

Full of personal insights on models and figures. Very helpful to Godzilla collectors, especially beginners. My favorite is his page about Destoroyah toys, naturally.

Destoroyah figures

B's Tasty and Delectable Page of Godzilla

One of the first Godzilla pages on the net, this has tons of pictures, sounds, and Quicktime clips. Also included are FTP files with screensavers, mouse cursors, and theme packs. The movie vault is full of info on different movies and monsters. And how could I not mention the Godzilla vs Destoroyah Mini Theater, with a review and images.

GvD Mini Theater

Barry's Temple of Godzilla

Is there a Godzilla web page out there that doesn't link to this most informative site? Perhaps the most famous Godzilla page, it was a virtual cornucopia of Godzilla data: pictures, reviews, cards, toys, sound bites, etc. Sadly, the site has been retired. However, it still links to Stomp Tokyo, full of insightful Godzilla reviews (like GvD!).

Stomp Tokyo GvD Review

Godzilla and Other Monster Music

The name says it all. An encyclopedia of Godzilla music CDs, with cover pictures and track titles. He also recommends ways to obtain the music. What better way to enjoy this page than to have the strains of Ifukube in the background?

GvD Soundtrack listing

Internet Movie Database: Godzilla

IMDB is sort of the unofficial site for everything about everything for the big screen. Technical info on all movies, cast & crew, user comments, and more stuff (just click on their links on the left column).

Gojira VS Desutoroia

CNN: Godzilla meets his end

You were there! Here is a Dec 1, 1995 article from CNN documenting Godzilla's upcoming demise. The article links to some Quicktime movie clips. Ah, history...


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