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Behind the Scenes
Concept Drawings II

Here we have some of the early concept drawings of Destoroyah's Final Form. As these pictures show, designs can change significantly throughout production (and thank goodness!). Then again, it's interesting to note that many of Minoru Yoshida's design elements were kept into the movie's final form.


While interesting pictures, they obviously made the right choice in the movie.

Here we have Destoroyah's design evolving
even more into the final form used in the film.

In fact, it was close enough that they'd use it in the advance poster!

Of course, not everyone's design makes it, especially if they resemble millipedes.

Imagine playing with this as a toy? Ouch!


Finally, Mr Ito was able to create maquettes from Yoshida's drawings



See more behind-the-scenes pictures.

These pictures were from my SF Special Effects book.

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